Saturday, August 30, 2008

Turning Towards the Sun

The local fields of sunflowers are starting to bloom. They turn their yellow heads with the sun until the seed sets. There are more sunflowers grown in Western Kansas and in drier climates, but we have a few farmers that grow it locally to rotate with their wheat ground.

Because sunflowers have a large tap root, it breaks through the hard pan that can form with grain crops. In other words it "fluffs up" the soil.

These seeds will be harvested when the stalks dry down this fall and they will be crushed for sunflower oil. The kind of sunflower seeds we eat, are called a confectionary variety and are different than the oil variety.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Buffalo Bull with an Attitude

August is breeding season for bison, and this is Takoda's first year as herd bull.

He's had a bit of a attitude (more than usual), and has been "courting the ladies".

Last Saturday there were four carloads of families that happened to come in at about the same time, and they naturally walked up to the fence because the herd was close to the Visitors Center.

I walked out to the group because I could hear Takoda growling from inside the Visitors Center. He didn't like people near his herd right now, and didn't quiet down until everyone moved back 20 feet from the fence.

When a bull talks, everybody better listen!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Buffalo Herd on Indonesian TV

Today's surprise was being filmed for a Voice of America TV program to be shown in Indonesia!

Two people spend over two hours filming the buffalo, interviewing me, and some tourists from Sweden that had stopped by too.

Cow Kajsa wasn't too sure about the one camera person getting down to her level by the fence, and she kept a close eye on her. It will be playing in two weeks, and they promised to send me a DVD of it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Growing Bison

When I walked down to check the water tank, I stopped to really look at how much the bison calves are changing now. They are getting browner, besides developing their hump and horns. They are blending in beside their moms compared to when they were first born with their cinnamon wool coat.

Takoda, our three-year-old bull is also changing and bulking up in size. He's now taller than the cows, I'm guessing he's tipping the scale at 1400 lbs. Takoda's head and shoulders are taking on the look of a gigantic bodybuilder. He'll pack on another 800-1000 lbs in the next three years.