Rain, rain, go away, come again...in November!
The area United Way had scheduled a fundraiser out here last Friday, and had to postpone until this Friday because of the weather. Let's hope the weather cooperates for them this time. We're making buffalo chili and fresh fruit pies for the event, so visitors will have a great meal before they walk through the maze and venture into the Haunted Trail.
We're booked solid with school field trips between now and the end of the month, and it's raining again today. Two local groups still came out between storms, but two big schools that were coming from a distance rescheduled.
Our first two weekends of the maze season were hot and windy, and then the weather changed. Now we're working around cool and wet days instead. We've had some weather perfect days for some schools, like yesterday. The groups rode the tram out to see the buffalo herd, each shot the pumpkin slingshot, and walked through the maze. And of course their biggest thrill is picking out their own personal pumpkin from the pumpkin fields.
Weather is to improve for Friday and Saturday, so we'll hope for the best.
If you're coming out to our maze this weekend, except a little mud, and a lot of fun!
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