The cows move silently now past the Visitors Center. There is no grunting because there are no calves in the herd to keep track of at the moment.
Sorting last Friday went safe and smoothly with the new pen gates Verne built. Some of the old cows picked on the younger ones, but that’s their nature when confined, so we sorted and moved the cows back out to the pasture as quickly as possible.
The calves were checked by the vet and tagged; staying in the big pens this week to be sure all are sound and healthy after the sort. The heifer calves will move back to the cow herd this weekend, and the bull calves will move over to the bull herd until they move to their summer pasture in May.
The cows come in to get water and check the calves once a day, but the calves are weaned and the cows are satisfied they are okay by themselves. They prefer to spend their day eating and lounging in the triticale paddock.
Think of the calves as kids going off to college. They are on their own now, but you still check on them now and then…