Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year

Today I'm cleaning up from having company and thinking about my goals for 2009. I want to get back to writing again. Realistically I don't have blocks of time for my next book series while running the Bison Farm, but I can work in blogs and articles about my favorite subjects- buffalo and the prairie.

I cruised websites about blogging while watching TV and then looked at my latest photos that I had downloaded from my camera- to see what I could add to the next newsletter.

My mind went immediately from the noise of the TV, clothes washer, and clicking of my the silence of a windy hill we had visited while my sister was here. On top of my late uncle's pasture is an old abandoned cemetery that was started in the 1870s.

I walked through the scattered rows of stones looking and taking photos of these past sorrowful events. The wind fluttered the overgrown weeds and trees around the silent tombstones. Many young wives and children were laid to rest, never getting to live out their lives as their families had hoped. Now there are just elaborate stones left in a pasture.

It made me think of what I've done in the past, and what potential I have for my future. I have the new year of 2009 ahead of me. What shall I see, do, and experience? Watch to see what I do with it!

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