Thursday, February 5, 2009


When "sweetheart" is used as a noun, it means:

1. One who is loved.
2. Used as a familiar term of endearment.
3. Informal
a. A person regarded as generous or lovable.
b. Something cherished for its excellent qualities.

A sweetheart can be your spouse or special friend, or your mailman that brings the mail to your door when the sidewalks are icy.

A sweetheart can be your son's teacher that takes the extra time to be sure he understands the day's lesson, or a person from the past that you smile fondly about when thinking of them.

For many of us, pets are our sweethearts- be they cats, dogs, canaries or even a bison bull named Bandit. (He was over two ton in weight, but always calm and respectful of his herd and us.)

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