Friday, February 22, 2008

Goodbye Tonka

Nine year old Tonka moved on today, not to the "big pasture in the sky", but to a new pasture in western Kansas to be with 55 other buffalo.

He moved to our pasture on January 16, 2005 and spent three seasons with our cow herd. Since his daughters will be old enough to breed this year, Tonka is moving out, and three year old Takoda takes over as herd bull.

Verne called the herd in from the pasture this afternoon, and sorted Tonka into a pen by himself to wait for the trailer that would move him.

The cows wandered past the Visitors Center to go back out to our pasture, but then Esther our head cow, couldn't find Tonka. She and the rest of the herd headed back to the holding pens looking for him.

As a 2000 lb. mass of muscle and hair, he's been a congenial bull whose picture has been taken by people from around the world.

His big claim to fame is his relish for pumpkins. He LOVES them, and inhales one whenever given as a treat. Visitors who took the tram out to the buffalo herd during our maze weekends watched him charge and devour any orange pumpkins thrown into the pasture.

I had one frozen pumpkin left in the shop, waiting for the perfect time to give it to Tonka. This morning I took the frozen mass out to thaw for his last treat.

When he was loaded and in the trailer, I pushed the thawed soggy pumpkin in the trailer for him. At the moment he was mad about being confined and not in the mood to thank me, but hopefully he’ll enjoy it as a snack down the road.

Esther and the herd stood by the fence to watch him leave, then headed back to the pasture without him.

Goodbye Tonka...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Buffalo Leader

Yep, more snow. The buffalo take it in stride, going about their day.

We’re just getting warm again today after our last round of snow. For the last month our weather has varied from snow to mud, getting back to almost dry… and start over with snow again.

This past Saturday was our election of officers for our Kansas Buffalo Association. My husband, Verne was not on the ballot for president, but he was nominated from the floor and won!

He's a very level-headed, organized man, so he will work hard for the organization this year. So Verne (and I) will be working with the group's officers and board to promote our Kansas state animal, our member's herds, and related buffalo businesses.

Goals include getting a good website up for the KBA, talking to Kansas legislators about bison issues, and promoting the buffalo by giving group tours, manning an information booth at the Kansas State Fair, and whatever else the board decides to do.

We appreciate and admire the American Bison, so proud to promote them!