Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sorting Buffalo Calves

Yesterday's weather was warm and breezy-not bad for February. We spent the afternoon sorting the calves off the herd and running the cows through the chute for their annual checkup. We want to have this done before the cows starting having their babies in April.

This is one of those annual jobs I dread because the bison are wild and unpredictable. The herd knows the routine but of course doesn't like it. The calves haven't a clue and just want to be with mom. So it can be a dangerous job for both them and us because they move so quick.

I called them into the work facility pens for treats, which I had been doing for several days so they automatically go in to find them. But yesterday I didn't get the gate closed right away and the cows all tore out, knowing I was trying to catch them. After another hour and a half, they went back and we started our sorting

Thursday, February 5, 2009


When "sweetheart" is used as a noun, it means:

1. One who is loved.
2. Used as a familiar term of endearment.
3. Informal
a. A person regarded as generous or lovable.
b. Something cherished for its excellent qualities.

A sweetheart can be your spouse or special friend, or your mailman that brings the mail to your door when the sidewalks are icy.

A sweetheart can be your son's teacher that takes the extra time to be sure he understands the day's lesson, or a person from the past that you smile fondly about when thinking of them.

For many of us, pets are our sweethearts- be they cats, dogs, canaries or even a bison bull named Bandit. (He was over two ton in weight, but always calm and respectful of his herd and us.)