I meant to write the title "Ice on Buffalo", but actually "Buffalo on Ice" is appropriate today too. We're getting a slow freezing drizzle, which is coating everything from roads, pasture grass, to the buffalo themselves. It's just plain bad weather to be out in today.
Their thick coats are keeping them warm, and their powerful heads and feet will break off the ice so they can get down to the grass.
Verne put out more hay for them, so you can see that the herd is enjoying some food that isn't ice incrusted at the moment. But the buffs are made for this kind of weather, so we don't have to worry about them like the cattlemen do about their herds.
It's very slick driving today, and events are being canceled by radio and TV news. By chance we don't have a company party scheduled here in the Visitors Center this evening, so we don't have to cancel it.
This afternoon I'm typing invoices for Monday and Verne is packing them. It's nice that we can get website orders in, and not have to depend on gift shop sales. (We still have a good stock of Bison Snack Boxes at www.BisonFarm.com ready to ship if you need some quick holiday gifts...)
So far the electricity has stayed on so the ice isn't too thick on the electric lines in the area. If so, we'll be cut off frm our power. We do have back-up generators for the walk-in freezer though if that happens.
The bad weather is predicted to last several days so we may be in for quite a storm, but that can be expected out here on our Kansas prairie...
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