Kansas ice storm
The world glistened outside after an ice storm hit the state Monday night...after an evening thunderstorm that dropped almost three inches of rain first. Trees and power lines and poles were no match for Mother Nature, so we've spent the week waiting for the sun to come out to thaw our icy world, and for the power company crews to make their way out to us in the country.
Then we got nine inches of snow on Friday night. But at least it didn't drift, like the western part of the state.
I'm very glad to say that we got electricity, phone and internet back on today! (I really missed my microwave, and the internet.)
When I was growing up in the 1950-60's we used the kerosene lamps every now and then, so we cope even now when power goes out. It's just the way it is here in the country- but usually we're only out for a few hours, not five days.
It wasn't good timing during the busiest shipping weeks of the year, but we coped and now ready for this shipping week.
I'm grateful for all the people trying to get our electricity back on in Kansas. They are working around the clock in cold slippery conditions to get homes and businesses running again.
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